Monday, November 28, 2011

shitty poetry

flood gates open or closed

god damn

one minute

and then the next

with mood

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

beyond shitty poetry


say the wrong thing at just that moment



shit is starting to get real. That's good and bad.

paintings will be killer



but everything else goes to shit

interpersonal relationships



sleep patterns

communication skills

my feet are cold

Friday, October 28, 2011

sacred spaces

they seem to know more
unaware of my affect
hard for me to take

ideas are there
but so hard to express them
clearly honestly

came to the art show
you trying to imagine
what this all feels like

as hard as you try
it just can't happen smoothly
my demons still lurk

your smell disgusts me
i cringe as you try to help
isn't that just sad?

"beep beep beep beep
who got the keys to the jeep?
VROOM" missy

it's not about you though
it's about me
i don't care what you think
actually not true.

Look a pretty thing
just a place to rest your eyes
behind them much more

zone out on the tree out the window
let your eyes focus there
your body is forgotten
just your head
that's all that matters
you're in.
so much happening up here
down there
so tired
always need to cry
it's welling
it hurts
then relief just as fast
self medicate just to cope
but is it better than the alternative?
will i still feel?
will i still create?
when it hurts so bad i don't care
but afterward i see what is left behind

Thursday, September 22, 2011

my real audience

what if everyone
becomes my real audience
instead of pretend

sure im a vulture
spit on meat in the trash can
yeah this is my life

grumpy like a bitch
you don't want to talk to me
but really i mean

why did i do that
gotta have an audience
cant just love yourself

Painting Reference

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Portrait from an old photo by Sarah Refvem

Portrait from an old photograph by Sarah Refvem

Soft Pastel
28 by 42 inches

Monday, September 12, 2011

gotta write em down before you forget

definitely saw
grandma with a racing stripe
today in Eugene

How goes wooing the client?

i know you like phineas and ferb but we have a family rule that we don't buy food with a cartoon character on it

Some Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Quotes from what I've so far read of Sirens of Titan:

"Rumfoord's palm was callused, but not horny like the palm of a man doomed to a single trade for all of his days. The calluses were perfectly even, made by the thousand happy labors of an active leisure class."

"A weak, prissy, Eagle-Scoutish word..."

"The purpose of the collection had been to prove how generous and useful and sensitive billionaires could be. The collection had turned out to be a perfectly gorgeous investment, as well.
'That takes care of art,' said Rumfoord."

"What Beatrice had done with her face, actually, was what any plain girl could do. She had overlaid it with dignity, suffering, intelligence, and a piquant dash of bitchiness."

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

new words that i put together


tame me? get bored again? i was ashamed. am i like them?

i see the boys too
and go all or nothing here
naked or closed up

1hr 17min

turning a 3d world 2d
a painted 2d surface into 3d illusion

it's good for me

we love like you so don't forget to be nice to me
constantly good vs sometimes bad and sometimes great

don't hold bac
k girl!

ok crunch time go
so many things to get done
think i can do it

a poem

i am on the plane
(the other day)


another poem
neath the pale
moon light

thanks scrabble

"We're just a bleep on the computer screen over there in omaha ne


worry about being better than other people

lets scramble

you early outsiders

don't forget to be an animal


stop being sick you bitch

make them love it all see the good stuff if you. can
everyone is like that so don't feel too special.

waa waa you need someone to hold you down. do it internally
it is trained. you are smart you can learn. you need to

remember to keep your head straight but keep an open mind

distinguish between good and bad advice.
keep a food in reality because people are cute. and help


bad turn on a cell
reminds me of this horrid
thing that i saw once

its so cold today
and it looks like it will rain
so try to bundle

if we get along
shouldn't you take some action
before a lost chance

too much lox and cheese
my diet can't handle it
for fear of my crap

to steal a small glance
or to rub up against you
the devil is in

my thoughts circulate
isn't he always lurking
the devil that is

for you are my crave
red the color of much lust
i painted my nails

go away you bee
there's no pollen here for you
oh honey come back

carnivorous bee
does it add your honey strength
to steal fish from me

many ideas
are not as good as they seem
but maybe some are

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Sunday, July 17, 2011

More Haikuz

a chocolate swisher
yeah okay i guess i'm down
to melt my face off

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New art from old photographs by Sarah Refvem

Sarah Refvem

"Man and His Dog"
Soft Pastel on Asphalt Paper
32 x 57 in

Sarah Refvem

"Hold Still!"
Acrylic on Canvas
48 x 51 inches

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

quote turned poem

accidental poem of the day

it was across from my moms church
the youth pastor was buying porn
and recognized me and jetted

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Down to BIzzness!

SO excited! New Tune-Yards album w h o k i l l comes out April 19, 2011. Say yay yay!

feed yer tummy
Kill the dummies
oil fills the drummies
a dolla for the bummies

my pups got

a silver dog colla
better that than two ballas
can't get a bitch pregnant
"well aint HE a gent!"
sorry, i had to vent
like my mental space is bent
cuz my fathers indecent.


last i heard
you were back on board
now you're just bored
careful, i'll pull that cord
don't think i won't
the last plane has flownt
you're stuck
with only two bucks

are you tired of this?

i'm starting to feel shame
in forget of my game
or maybe just the fame.
i want paint to be my name.

"I get kinda hectic inside." -Mariah

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Today we will read Poetry

Hi people.

I have five minutes before I leave for the airport. My life feels like this:


I wrote a poem:

this is called 'a real poet'

fast paced life slow mind control as soft as last
dream mind scheme stitch da peezez oh bajeesus

circles and squares find your pairs
listen to the clock that dude iz a jock
itz all a crock your life trialz a mock

pick a pock


of your enemy hegemony
veggies with honey
in your tummy....for the bunnies


doesn't quite rhyme you dummy.

my cheekz and hair are rojo
this text is from my broho. he is sick and lacks

the mojo.

at least he is also a rojooooo.

the bearenstain berz

who cares

what did he do in florida?????

he wants a brick for his sheep

in too deep i feel like a creep beep beep!!!

mozes, drinkin from hoses

you got nothin cuz yer nuthin

don't show your cards and avoid a nip

slip at all cost.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pinstriping, life being cool, and Francis Bacon being isolated.

Pinstriping is a cool painting technique that Ron Graff introduced to me. I got a few of the brushes and some sign paint. I wonder how I can explore this style further! Here's a video of pinstriping. You'll have nothing but grins.

Joanna Newsom, Degas, paint making in my new studio,
My life is full of good stuff right now! Other important information: I am learning how to loom weave. Hard but fun. Pictures to come.

Oh, also, Francis Bacon is cool.