Thursday, September 22, 2011

my real audience

what if everyone
becomes my real audience
instead of pretend

sure im a vulture
spit on meat in the trash can
yeah this is my life

grumpy like a bitch
you don't want to talk to me
but really i mean

why did i do that
gotta have an audience
cant just love yourself

Painting Reference

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Portrait from an old photo by Sarah Refvem

Portrait from an old photograph by Sarah Refvem

Soft Pastel
28 by 42 inches

Monday, September 12, 2011

gotta write em down before you forget

definitely saw
grandma with a racing stripe
today in Eugene

How goes wooing the client?

i know you like phineas and ferb but we have a family rule that we don't buy food with a cartoon character on it

Some Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Quotes from what I've so far read of Sirens of Titan:

"Rumfoord's palm was callused, but not horny like the palm of a man doomed to a single trade for all of his days. The calluses were perfectly even, made by the thousand happy labors of an active leisure class."

"A weak, prissy, Eagle-Scoutish word..."

"The purpose of the collection had been to prove how generous and useful and sensitive billionaires could be. The collection had turned out to be a perfectly gorgeous investment, as well.
'That takes care of art,' said Rumfoord."

"What Beatrice had done with her face, actually, was what any plain girl could do. She had overlaid it with dignity, suffering, intelligence, and a piquant dash of bitchiness."