Thursday, March 24, 2011

Down to BIzzness!

SO excited! New Tune-Yards album w h o k i l l comes out April 19, 2011. Say yay yay!

feed yer tummy
Kill the dummies
oil fills the drummies
a dolla for the bummies

my pups got

a silver dog colla
better that than two ballas
can't get a bitch pregnant
"well aint HE a gent!"
sorry, i had to vent
like my mental space is bent
cuz my fathers indecent.


last i heard
you were back on board
now you're just bored
careful, i'll pull that cord
don't think i won't
the last plane has flownt
you're stuck
with only two bucks

are you tired of this?

i'm starting to feel shame
in forget of my game
or maybe just the fame.
i want paint to be my name.

"I get kinda hectic inside." -Mariah

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Today we will read Poetry

Hi people.

I have five minutes before I leave for the airport. My life feels like this:


I wrote a poem:

this is called 'a real poet'

fast paced life slow mind control as soft as last
dream mind scheme stitch da peezez oh bajeesus

circles and squares find your pairs
listen to the clock that dude iz a jock
itz all a crock your life trialz a mock

pick a pock


of your enemy hegemony
veggies with honey
in your tummy....for the bunnies


doesn't quite rhyme you dummy.

my cheekz and hair are rojo
this text is from my broho. he is sick and lacks

the mojo.

at least he is also a rojooooo.

the bearenstain berz

who cares

what did he do in florida?????

he wants a brick for his sheep

in too deep i feel like a creep beep beep!!!

mozes, drinkin from hoses

you got nothin cuz yer nuthin

don't show your cards and avoid a nip

slip at all cost.