Sunday, April 22, 2012

derive, just drifting through life

balance your ego
because it seems you need it
wild thing to contain

you don't have to try to look cool all the time
in fact you're cooler when you don't
so stay cool, man

betcha could get hired
as a professional muse
sounds quite exhausting

not every advancement needs to be received

learning a variety of cultural expressions of the term 'avant garde'


The Reeeeeal You Under A Facade
(the internet)

i feel kinda weird posting [this]
but then again
i guess that's what blogging is for.


you know, allowing people to read your inner most thoughts
but what if they're weird?
your family might not like that.
not your family, YOU.

weird; i love that word
i've decided it may just describe an entire generation
in the most beautifully accurate way

let's reclaim the word!

first rule of being a weirdo
is learning to spell the word correctly

this is just getting silly now

oh my god sarah,
are you kinda happy?
that's pretty rare.
especially when it isn't summer

a sunny spring day

vitamin D does lovely things to the soul

 even if you risk a little melanoma



bananas are so good
but banana peels are so gross

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